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Pray with purpose

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all
. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come
to a knowledge of the truth

— 1 Timothy 2:1, 2-4

Our Father's Command:

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave His disciples and all believers this command: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” Matthew 28:18-20

Our Father's Desire:

God’s heart, His desire is that none should perish and that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9). Paul tells us that it is good and pleasing to God when we pray and intercede for all people. (1 Timothy 2: 1, 2-4) We can have complete confidence that when we pray for the salvation of the unreached people groups of Vietnam, we are praying according to God’s will and that He hears and will answer us (1 John 5:14-15).

Please join our MCM partners in faithfully interceding before the throne of God for the 18 people groups whom MCM is seeking to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ. These people groups have lived in darkness for years. They live in remote, difficult to access areas and Satan will do all he can to prevent them from hearing the gospel. Praise God that there is no barrier that prayer cannot overcome.

Listed below are the names of the18 people groups. Along with the name of each people group are links to their People Profiles on two different websites and These links will give you more information about each group as you pray for them. We have divided them up into 5 groups so you can pray for each of them during the week. Don’t worry that you don’t know how to pronounce the names! God knows and hears your prayers as you call these groups out by name before His throne of grace.

  • Monday - Upper Ta-Oy, Xinh Mun, Rengao"
    Upper Ta-Oy People Profiles: Xinh Mun People Profiles: Rengao People Profiles:
  • Tuesday - Pacoh, Tsun-Lao, Lao, Phu La"
    Pacoh People Profiles: Tsun Lao People Profiles: Lao People Profiles: Phu La People Profiles:
  • Wednesday - La Ha, Chut, Ngai, Pa Hng"
    La Ha People Profiles: Chut People Profiles: Ngai People Profiles: Pa Hng People Profile:
  • Thursday - Gelao, Cong, Hung"
    Gelao People Profiles: Cong People Profiles: Hung People Profiles:
  • Friday - Pubiao, Sila, Romam, Arem"
    Pupiao People Profiles: Sila People Profiles: Romam People Profiles: Arem People Profiles:

Please Pray For:

  • Doors to open to share the gospel among these remote, difficult to access groups.

  • The Holy Spirit to prepare hearts to hear the message of the Good News.

  • God to raise up local believers who are willing to go to these remote areas to share the Good News.

  • New avenues for these groups to hear the gospel and experience God’s love.

  • These groups to be disillusioned with the gods they are worshiping and will seek the one true God who created them and made a way for them to be saved.

  • The removal of spiritual blindness among these groups.

  • God to show Himself supernaturally through visions and dreams.

  • These groups to seek to know their Creator as they look at the beauty of creation around them.

  • These groups to hear and accept the gospel.

  • Whole families to believe so they can grow and stand together in their faith.

Lift Up Believers:

  • For protection and strength in persecuted areas.

  • For unity and boldness to share the gospel.

  • To be moved to work among these unreached people groups.

  • To be discipled and stand strong in their faith and new, reproducing churches to be started.

© 2021 by MCM.

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Springfield, MO 65808

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