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Thousands of people in Vietnam are unreached and need to hear that God created them, loves them and has made a way to save them through His Son, Jesus Christ. The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Luke 10:2). Praise God that the necessary funds have been raised to return to live and serve in Vietnam. I feel that God is leading me, and it is my deep desire, to stay here for at least 5 more years. On-going support is needed in order for that to be possible. Please consider partnering with MCM through praying and giving as we share and equip others in difficult places. Join us as we obey His great commission to go into all the world
and share the love of Jesus.


MCM is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and tax deductible donations can be sent online by clicking on DONATE below...


© 2021 by MCM.

Send mail to:

PO Box 10014

Springfield, MO 65808

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